Call to Action: Contact your City Council Member
Tietze Park is located within District 14*. If you are a resident of District 14, email and/or call Paul Ridley (District 14's council member) and his staff, urging him to support:
Paul E. Ridley, Council Member
[email protected]
Max Sanchez, Council Liaison
[email protected]
Apryl Davis, Council Assistant
[email protected]
*If you live in a different district please find your Council Member here.
- Fully funding Tietze Park's new playground equipment
- Supporting Dallas Parks funding
Paul E. Ridley, Council Member
[email protected]
Max Sanchez, Council Liaison
[email protected]
Apryl Davis, Council Assistant
[email protected]
*If you live in a different district please find your Council Member here.
The equipment at Tietze (and other parks) has passed it's service life and allocation for new playground equipment is not assured. It can be 2-5 years before playground equipment is installed after a project makes it into a bond package. So if Tietze’s funding is not in this upcoming bond package (2024), we are looking at the next bond package and potentially another 10 years before there is new playground equipment. We want it included in THIS bond package.
How much funding is at stake?
A: $300,000 is currently allocated in the Tietze Park playground recommendation in the 2024 bond.
What happens if Tietze Park does not get funding for a new playground in the upcoming bond package?
A: Tietze Park will have to wait for the following bond, expected to be 2029 or 2030, for capital dollars towards a new playground.
When would construction of a new playground begin if funding is approved?
A: No sooner than 2025 if it were to be prioritized as one of the first projects to be funded.
Will the community have input on the new playground?
A: Yes, absolutely!
Answers provided by District 14 Park Board Member Rudy Karimi
A: $300,000 is currently allocated in the Tietze Park playground recommendation in the 2024 bond.
What happens if Tietze Park does not get funding for a new playground in the upcoming bond package?
A: Tietze Park will have to wait for the following bond, expected to be 2029 or 2030, for capital dollars towards a new playground.
When would construction of a new playground begin if funding is approved?
A: No sooner than 2025 if it were to be prioritized as one of the first projects to be funded.
Will the community have input on the new playground?
A: Yes, absolutely!
Answers provided by District 14 Park Board Member Rudy Karimi