Call to Action: Volunteers Needed
...updated 3/5/24
See details on events page and to sign up to help plant trees.
See details on events page and to sign up to help plant trees.
Donor and Financial Snapshot of 11/30/2023
Private Donations Received: $10,322.55 (108.66% of $9,500 target)
Private Donations Received: $10,322.55 (108.66% of $9,500 target)
- Average $/Donation: $245.78
- # of Donations: 42
- Largest Donation: $2,939.81
- Smallest Donation: $25.00
- Median Donation: $100.00
Thank You to our Generous Donors!
July - October 2023 Donors
Giving Tuesday Donors
Centennial Tree Blog
Posted 11/21/23
Contributed by Kelly Nash Did you know that a single tree can provide enough oxygen for two people? And also shade and food for wildlife. We are close to funding a project to add 23 new trees and new plantings to Tietze Park, if we can raise the money by the end of the year. Today is a good day to donate! #GivingTuesday The last time a tree inventory was done by the Park Dept. (DPARD), in 2014, there were 132 trees:
We estimate at least 10-15 trees have been lost to storms and other causes since then. The Centennial Tree Project will add 23 new trees, all outside of playing fields, and a diversity of Texas natives to support the ecology of the park:
Please join us in maintaining the natural beauty of the park for another 100 years! |
Posted: 11/16/23
Contributed by Kelly Nash Alert! - Donations are needed to meet our end-of-year goal for irrigation for 23 new trees in Tietze Park we hope to plant next spring. They will be outside the playing fields in areas where trees have been lost over the last 15 years or so and where more shade is needed. We're 65% of the way to our $9500 goal, but we have less than two months to go! The tree plan includes six American Elm trees like the one shown here, a first for the park. This iconic tree has been wiped out in much of the U.S., but in Texas it's a hardy native and not affected by Dutch Elm Disease. |
About This Project
They say the best time to plant a tree is "20 years ago," but since time travel has yet to be invented we must ask ourselves, what is the second best time to plant a tree? The answer is simple -- now.
Since March 2023, the Friends of Tietze Park (FOTP) has been working with Dallas Parks and Recreation Department to develop a new tree plan and is announcing a Centennial Tree Fund Drive for an additional 20+ trees and plantings at the park. The Department has recommended tree locations and types that will be outside of playing fields and where some additional shade is needed, such as along the southern edge of the playground. |
Tietze Park is blessed with many healthy trees that help provide cool, clean air and shade for visitors. Everyone notices the 100-year-old live oaks around the perimeter, and the two "kneeling" bois d'arcs that generations of kids have climbed around on. Over the last few years, some trees have fallen and there are gaps in the leaf canopy in areas.
Coming in 2024
The plan is preliminary, but it appears that the city will provide trees and the labor and equipment to plant them, if FOTP funds the cost of underground irrigation to get the trees growing. The trees will be Texas natives in 30-gallon containers, about 8 feet tall. DPARD asked an irrigation contractor for an estimate - it was $7875. The goal of our Tree Drive is to raise $9500 by the end of 2023. This gives us a 20% contingency for inflation and uncertainties. We have a tentative planting date of April 13, 2024. Stay tuned for more details, or better yet - make a contribution now to the Tree Fund, and we'll make sure you get the latest news.
Optional Dedication
For donations of $25 or more, if you contribute to the Tietze Centennial Tree Project and would like to honor or give in memory of someone, please make your contribution following the donation instructions above and email [email protected] and tell us the following:
The plan is preliminary, but it appears that the city will provide trees and the labor and equipment to plant them, if FOTP funds the cost of underground irrigation to get the trees growing. The trees will be Texas natives in 30-gallon containers, about 8 feet tall. DPARD asked an irrigation contractor for an estimate - it was $7875. The goal of our Tree Drive is to raise $9500 by the end of 2023. This gives us a 20% contingency for inflation and uncertainties. We have a tentative planting date of April 13, 2024. Stay tuned for more details, or better yet - make a contribution now to the Tree Fund, and we'll make sure you get the latest news.
Optional Dedication
For donations of $25 or more, if you contribute to the Tietze Centennial Tree Project and would like to honor or give in memory of someone, please make your contribution following the donation instructions above and email [email protected] and tell us the following:
- “In Honor of …” or “In Memory of …”
- A name and email address or physical address where we can send acknowledgement of your gift if it differs from that of the one on record in the PayPal contribution